OT-Roses-Ciutadella 1


Roses, surrounded by numerous coves and the Cap de Creus and Aiguamolls de l’Empordà Natural Parks, is the perfect city for those looking to soak up the Mediterranean essence.

Hotel capacity

Category Number of
of rooms
5 * 1 29 58
4 * 7 730 1.460
3 * 14 1.718 3.456
2 * 7 339 678
1 * and others 15 453 9.605
TOTAL 44 3.279 14.717

Conference centers

1. Palau de Congressos de Roses – Teatre Municipal

Room name m2 Theater School Banquet Cocktail
Auditori 383 404 250 300 400
Sala Principal 168 200 100 100 200
Sala de Miralls 114 150 75 100 150
Sala de Vitralls 85 40 20 - 40
Sala Superior 98 150 100 100 150
Sala Taller 57 70 35 - -

Unique spaces

Espai Cultural La Ciutadella

Room name m2 Theater School Banquet Cocktail
Pati d’Armes 6.000 3.000 3.000 2.000 4.000
Església de Sta. Maria 200 150 150 100 150
Arsenal 150 100 100 60 100
Esplanada del pou 1.500 600 500 400 800

Castell de la Trinitat

Room name m2 Theater School Banquet Cocktail
Terrassa principal 200 150 150 100 150

Advantages for the congressman

  • advan-1

    35% discounts on TAV and MD train tickets

  • ico-merchan

    Delivery of tourist material from the destination

  • advan-4

    Guided tours of prospection and management of the various spaces

Reference conferences
and events held

Congrés APEVC (2018)

Costa Brava Challenge Week (2017)

Congrés Mèdic Síndrome de Moebius (2017)

Concurs musical CEA-CEM France (2016)

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