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Since the United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, many companies have been focusing their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities on a higher level of purpose, in order to contribute to the ultimate goal of achieving a better world.

In the context of business and incentive tourism, which incorporates Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities in the territory, the aim is to generate a positive impact on the local communities, economy and environment, providing the opportunity to attract business tourism based on awareness while respecting culture, traditions and natural resources and seeking ways to contribute positively through the activities developed, ranging from environmental conservation projects to support for local businesses, educational workshops or initiatives that promote social and economic equality.

Tools for achieving a real impact

Including sustainability criteria in the events organised on the Costa Brava and in the Girona Pyrenees is a way of contributing to the SDGs, in addition to generating a positive impact on the territory at the environmental, social and economic levels. The Catalan Government’s Environmental Qualification Service, part of the Directorate General for Environmental Quality and Climate Change, provides a practical guide for incorporating sustainability criteria in both public and private events.

In addition to this guide, the Catalan Tourism Agency (ACT) also has other tools, including a calculator and a checklist, designed to help organisations plan and measure sustainability, and a document with useful information on how to offset the carbon footprint generated by events.

Links that drive change

Another way to generate changes in sustainability is to collaborate and establish links with local organisations and NGOs that can amplify our efforts. An example of this type of collaboration is the one carried out by Humanside with its different responsible team building activities, in collaboration with different local institutions and organisations. Or the initiative by La Vinyeta with the Mona Foundation or with the environmental organization Iaeden Salvem l’Empordà.

Another tool, research, can also play a key role in achieving real objectives. At Les Cols, for example, they have developed a project, R+D Casa Horitzó de la Vall de Bianya, through which they have created a new vegetable garden with native vegetables from the region, just a few minutes from the restaurant. You can visit the garden by making a reservation.

Together, we have the power to make a difference, as we have been doing in recent years. Therefore, we encourage companies and organisers of events and incentive trips to consider how they can contribute a little more to this journey towards sustainability, so that this commitment will not only be part of our business strategy, but also part of our legacy.