Postcard Trails, the Costa Brava’s coastal pathways

Starting out from the beach of La Fosca in Sant Joan de Palamós, we will walk along the footpaths that link the various beautiful coves to be found in the area. Along with cliffs, fishermen’s huts and Mediterranean forests we will discover an amazing Iberian settlement, the castle of Cap Roig and the whimsical charm of Cala Estreta. Continuing along this wonderful trail, we will walk under a natural stone bridge to reach Cala del Crit, and from here we will turn inland through the forests towards Palamós. Difficulty level: easy Includes: » Qualified guide » Photographic report » Accident
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Sports Training Course on the Costa Brava

Stageweek is a tennis, paddle tennis and golf training course for adults held at the Llafranc Tennis Club and the Gualta Golf Club installations, on the Costa Brava. The activity lasts between one and five days, with accommodation at hotels in the area. For tennis and paddle tennis, players are grouped according to their level and work with professional coaches and video recordings to improve their performance. There is a daily training session and league-style match. The golf option takes the form of a beginner’s course at the Gualta Pitch and Putt installations, with the aim of mastering the basic
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Volcanic Team Xperience, the power of the volcano

Unity creates strength, and we can also draw on volcanic strength. The Volcanic Team Xperience’ was designed by adapting different types of outdoor activities aimed at building up cooperation, trust, coordination and leadership in the privileged setting of the Garrotxa Volcanic Area Natural Park. It is a complete, fun activity, with a team-building component to encourage participants to work together as a group. Includes: » Equipment required for the different activities. » Senior Guidance Coaches. » Breakfast. » Lunch (a choice of different options).
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Pritzker Prize Winner amidst Volcanoes

Girona’s inland regions are brimming with genius and innovation in terms not only of gastronomy but also of art and architecture. In 2017, RCR Arquitectes, Pigem, Aranda and Vilalta’s studio was awarded the Pritzker Prize, considered the Nobel Prize of architecture. Fil Mediterranean has created experiences to enable visitors to enter their “Universe of Shared Creativity”, in the midst of a volcanic landscape, through a visit to the studio, a natural wine tasting session in the Pavilion of Dreams and lunch at one of their works in the heart of the countryside: two Michelin- starred restaurant serving local cuisine. Includes:
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